Research Group Basic Education Innovation RG Research Activities Implementation of Character Education Implementation QuestionnaireGroup photo with FGD participantsImplementation of Character Education FGDsImplementation of Character Education Implementation QuestionnairePresentation of Character Education Implementation MaterialsGroup photo with FGD participants Primary School Teacher Competency Innovation RG Service Activity RG Research Activities on Innovation in Mathematics and Science Education AKM problem solvingPhoto with Training ParticipantsPhoto with Training ParticipantsFGD ImplementationMaterial ExposureAKM Training AtmosphereAKM Training AtmospherePresentation of Numeracy Assessment material Assessment Training for Elementary Teachers Basic Education Innovation RG Teaching Activity Participants Present their work on Trello-based portfolio assessmentMonitoring and Evaluation of Trello-based Portfolio Assessment Training and MentoringTrello training implementationPresentation of material on the Trello applicationTrello PreTest ImplementationPractical Trello Application Community Service Activities on Educational Tourism Service Activities of RG Innovation in Elementary Mathematics and Science Education Monitoring and Evaluation of Training and Assistance in Developing LKPD and KAHOOT-Based Assessment InstrumentsPresentation of material about KahootKahoot account creation trainingKahoot Account Creation PracticeKahoot Account Creation PracticePretest KahootPost test KahootGroup photo with training participantsAwarding the most active participantsParticipants Present their work on the Development of LKPD and KAHOOT-Based Assessment Instruments