Bachelor of Elementary School Teacher Education

Human Resources


Dr. Idam Ragil Widianto Atmojo, S.Pd., M. Si 085714095353

Dr. Idam Ragil Widianto Atmojo, M.Si.

NIP : 198308132009121004
Education : Doctor of Science Education
Proficiency : Elementary Science Education


Dr. Suharno, M.Pd.

NIP : 195211291980031001
Education : Doctor of Education Management
Proficiency : Education Management

Dr. Sukarno, M.Pd

NIP : 195702031983031001
Education : Doctor of Educational Science
Proficiency : Primary Teacher Education

Dr. Matsuri, M.Pd

NIP : 197903232008121002
Education : Master of Physical Education
Proficiency : Physical Education, Health and Recreation

Dr. Sri Marmoah, M.Pd

Dr. Sri Marmoah, S.Pd, M.Pd

NIP : 196609061989012002
Education : Doctor of Educational Administration
Proficiency : Education Management

Dra. Sularmi, M. Pd

NIP : 195711011984032001
Education : Master of Education Technology
Proficiency : Education Management

Dr. Chumdari, M.Pd

NIP : 195605121981111001
Education : Doctor of Education Science
Proficiency : Educational Science/ Educational Technology

Dr. Rukayah. M.Hum 081393859770

Dr. Rukayah. M.Hum

NIP : 195708271982032002
Education : Doctor of Indonesian Language Education
Proficiency : Indonesian Language and Literature Education

Prof. Dr. STY. Slamet, M.Pd

NIP : 194612081982031001
Education : Doctor of Educational Language
Proficiency : Indonesian Language Studies

Prof. Dr. Retno Winarni, M.Pd.

NIP : 195601211982032003
Education : Doctor of Educational Language
Proficiency : Indonesian language and literature education

Septi Yulisetiani

Dr. Septi Yulisetiani, M.Pd.

NIP : 1989080720200801
Education : Doctor of Indonesian Language Education
Proficiency : Indonesian language and literature education

Drs. Muhammad Ismail Sriyanto, M.Pd

NIP : 19580622 198603 1 004
Education : Master of Educational Indonesian Language
Proficiency : Indonesian language and literature education

Dr. Riyadi, M.Si 081329332155

Dr. Riyadi, M.Si

NIP : 196701161994021001
Education : Doctor of Mathematic
Proficiency : Mathematics Education

Dwi Yuniasih Saputri_199406112019032026_FKIP PGSD

Dwi Yuniasih Saputri, S.Pd.,M.Pd

NIP : 199406112019032026
Education : Master of Primary Teacher Education
Proficiency : Educational Science / Primary Teacher Education

Roy Ardiansyah, S.Pd.,M.Pd

NIP : 199405052019031013
Education : Master of Primary Teacher Education
Proficiency : Educational Science / Primary Teacher Education

Anesa Surya,

Anesa Surya, S.Pd., M.Pd.

NIP : 199405052019031013
Education : Master of Elementary Mathematics Concentration Elementary Education
Proficiency : Mathematics Education

Dra. Siti Kamsiyati, M.Pd

NIP : 195806201983122001
Education : Master of History Education
Proficiency : Mathematics Education

Dr. Bayu Sandra Kurniawan 085848473847

Dr. Bayu Sandra Kurniawan,M.pd

NIP : 196807201997021003
Education : Doctor of Educational Science
Proficiency : Mathematics Education

Dr. Peduk Rintayati,M.Pd

Dr. Peduk Rintayati,M.Pd

NIP : 195402241982032001
Education : Doctor of Population Environment Education
Proficiency : Science, Chemistry, Population and Environmental Education

Dra. Siti Istiyati, M. Pd 081329386629

Dra. Siti Istiyati, M. Pd

NIP : 196108191986032001
Education : Master of Educational Research and Evaluation
Proficiency : Educational Research and Evaluation

Drs. Hasan Mahfud, M.Pd 08122587813

Drs. Hasan Mahfud, M.Pd

NIP : 195905151987031002
Education : Master of History Education
Proficiency : Education Science

Fadhil Purnama Adi, S.H.M.H 082133841616

Dr. Fadhil Purnama Adi, S.H., M.H

NIP : 1989091420160101
Education : Master of Primary Teacher Education
Proficiency : Educational Science / Primary Teacher Education

Hadiyah, S.Pd., M.Pd 085105003878

Hadiyah, S.Pd., M.Pd

NIP : 195807271985032003
Education : Master of History Education
Proficiency : Social Science

Dra. Jenny Indrastoeti Siti Poerwanti, M.Pd 081548635966

Dra. Jenny Indrastoeti Siti Poerwanti, M.Pd

NIP : 196301251987032001
Education : Master of Educational Research and Evaluation
Proficiency : Education

Dr. Joko Daryanto, S.Sn. M.Sn

NIP : 197504222008121001
Education : Master of Music Study
Proficiency : Javanese Culture (Karawitan Art)

Siti Wahyuningsih

Dr. Siti Wahyuningsih, M.Pd

NIP : 196101211986012001
Education : Doctor of Educational Science
Proficiency : Early Childhood Education Programs

dr. Karsono, S.Sn., M.Sn

NIP : 198007062008121003
Education : Master of Music Study
Proficiency : Music Art Education

Drs. Tri Budiarto, M.Pd 081329529240

Drs. Tri Budiharto, M.Pd

NIP : 195912211988031001
Education : Master of History Education
Proficiency : Fine Arts Education

Dr. Supianto, M.Pd

NIP : 198303122009011016
Education : Master of Educational Research and Evaluation
Proficiency : Education


Anton Eko Wahyudi

NIP : 19821023 2007101001
Occupation : General & Equipment

Anung Budoyo

NIP : 19830512 20061201
Occupation : General Functional

Arif Prasetyo Utomo

NIP : 19920916 20150401
Occupation : Library Administrator


NIP : 19660704 2008 101001
Occupation : General Functional

Muhammad Rosid Yulianto, S.E.

Muhammad Rosid Yulianto, S.E.

NIP : 19870701 20200801
Occupation : Academic subsection