Complete profile of elementary school teacher education
Bachelor of Elementary School Teacher Education
Akreditasi A
Surat Keputusan Badan Akreditasi Nasional
Nomor 9589/BAN-PT/Ak-PPJ/S/VII/2021
To become a Center for the Development of Science, Technology and the Arts in the Field of Teacher Training and Elementary School Education Based on the Noble Values of Local and National Culture.
- Organizing innovative and high-quality education so as to produce graduates who have the competence to develop and manage elementary school education that can compete at the global level.
- Conducting research to produce innovations and new findings in the field of teaching and elementary school education.
- Organizing community service activities in the context of applying and disseminating science and technology in the field of teacher training and elementary school education.
- Organizing cooperation with various parties in the national and international scope.
The Strata-1 PGSD study program was inaugurated on 5 July 2002 based on the Decree of the Minister of Education and Culture regarding the establishment of the Strata-1 PGSD Study Program Number: 400.b/Dikti/Kep/1992. The implementation of the PGSD FKIP UNS Study Program began in August 2006. The Decree on the Operational Permit of the study program number 564/D/T2007 was dated March 20, 2007. The PGSD FKIP UNS program in 1990 had the D2 level, along with the times, educational institutions were required to graduate students who are able to master the latest science and technology, have the skills needed to work in the globalization era and are ready to face competition. Elementary school education level needs serious attention, because elementary school education is the foundation that will greatly affect the quality of education at the next level. For this reason, the government is trying to organize it in order to anticipate improving the quality of education in elementary schools. Although the improvement of elementary school teachers can be sought from many aspects, there are indications that in order for elementary school teachers to be better able to understand elementary school children and have a broad perspective, elementary school teachers need to improve their quality to the strata 1 level. that the teacher’s position is a functional position. To cope with various future developments, the FKIP UNS PGSD study program feels the need to improve the implementation of education from only holding the D2 level PGSD study program, to starting the S1 level PGSD study program. Based on the decision letter of the National Accreditation Board Number: 9589/Ban-PT/Ak-PPJ/S/VII/2021, the PGSD Study Program received accreditation “A”. It is hoped that with the accreditation of the PGSD Study Program, it can improve the quality and professionalism of prospective elementary school teachers.
Based on the Standar Kompetensi Guru Kelas (SKGK) SD graduates with S1 PGSD must have four competencies, namely: (1) Mastery of the field of study, (2) Understanding of students, (3) Mastery of educational learning, and (4) Development of personality and professionalism. The competencies above can be aligned with: pedagogic competence, personality competence, professional competence, and social competence. Based on the vision, mission and objectives of the FKIP UNS PGSD Study Program, the PGSD curriculum emphasizes graduates who are professionals with strong and intelligent character by having:
- Pedagogic, personality, professional, and social competence.
- Motivation and ability to complete lecture assignments in the learning process.
- Courage in expressing creative and innovative opinions and ideas both inside and outside of lectures.
- The ability to organize a quality and productive learning process.
- The ability to provide educational services that can meet student satisfaction.
- The ability to access learning information for the achievement of an innovative learning process.
The advantage of the PGSD FKIP UNS Study Program is that it is able to independently develop potential in local wisdom to the national and international levels. To increase student competency, elective courses are given to support regional assignments. This course is freely chosen by students according to their interests and talents among elective courses, namely Kebudayaan Jawa (2 credits), Ketrampilan Musik (2 credits), Ketrampilan Membatik (2 credits), Seni Tari (2 credits), and Seni musik ( 2 credits). Other advantages of the PGSD FKIP UNS Study Program are services to students in the form of guidance and counseling, development of interests and talents (extracurricular) in the form of Scouts, Volleyball, Musical Arts, soft skills coaching, scholarship assistance, and health service units (medical center). To improve teaching skills PGSD FKIP UNS collaborates with partner institutions, which is stated in the form of a Mou (memorandum of Understanding). Until now, PGSD has collaborated with more than 35 elementary schools in Surakarta and its surroundings. As a result of developing student interests and talents, results are needed in the form of student presentations at several regional and regional level competitions.
To track the employment and absorption capacity of alumni of the PGSD study program, a tracer study is used through online legalization and regular meetings with alumni. Based on a questionnaire on the performance results of 100 PGSD FKIP UNS graduates, 84% of users stated that PGSD graduates were good. Meanwhile, based on the results of a tracer study, 100% of PGSD graduates work as teachers in both public and private elementary schools.
For the purposes of an internal quality auditor (AMI), we ask the willingness of lecturers, students, alumni and employees to fill in the link for understanding the vision and mission of the PGSD Study Program as follows:
Link Pemahaman Visi dan Misi Prodi PGSD
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